ACT 강사들

Association for Creation Truth

이재만 회장 강원대학교, 지질학, M.S. (Michigan State University 석사과정 수료)
Institute for Creation Research, Science Education M.S.
Grand Rapids Theological Seminary, Old Testament M.T.S.
저서: 타협의 거센 바람, 창조주 하나님, 빙하시대 이야기
노아홍수 콘서트, 창조과학콘서트, 창조탐사 시간여행(만화)
이충현 부회장 고려대학교, Biology
University of Louisville, Biology
University of Louisville School of Dentistry, DMD
University of Texas Health and Science Center at San Antonio, GPR
현 개인 치과 운영
최인식 창조과학선교회 전 회장
Medical doctor
강승구 Computational biophysics, PhD
(Joshua Ko)
Geosciences B.S., minor in Biology
Geology, M.S. (fluvial geomorphology)
Advanced International Affairs, Grad Cert.
ABD, Geology PhD candidate
Military Intelligence Officer (US Army Reserve)
김낙경 University of Georgia, Food Science, PhD
Director of Manufacturing, Second Harvest Food Bank of Middle Tennessee
김무현 MIT Ocean Engineering, PhD
Texas A&M University, Ocean/Civil Engineering Professor
Creation Science Research, 유학생사역, 책저술
김선욱 University of Delaware, Chemical Engineering, PhD
Primary Patent Examiner, U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
김성철 Biophysics, PhD
김진호 Electrical Engineering, PhD
오선호 Biomedical Engineering, PhD
이동용 University of Arizona, Aerospace Engineering, PhD
현 FIAT Industrial, 동력학팀장
University of Arizona, CAE Lab Faculty
국과연 (Defense R&D) 선임 연구원
조희천 한동대학교 생명과학부
Mississippi State University, Computational Engineering, PhD
하우태 Molecular biology, PhD
William A. Hoesch B.A. in Geology from the University of Colorado-Boulder
M.S. in Geology from the Institute for Creation Research
Instructor at Southern California Seminary
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